Bar Data Panel

1. How can I delete a chart from the "OPEN WINDOW"  display?

I assume you want to delete a chart file that you see in the Open File dialog form.   Select the file name with a single left mouse button click.   Then click the right mouse button and use the Delete File menu choice.

2. Is there a way to display the high, low, open, close of the current bar in a horizontal header in larger font while I am simultaneously investigating similar values for earlier bars with the cursor?

Earlier bar values will display on the Bar Data panel that is optionally shown by pressing Ctrl - B to toggle the bar on or off.  Use this little script in the ESPL form to create a bar to show the data for the current bar.

var s: string; sc,mk: integer;
  if who=41 then begin 
    s:='Close '+FormatPrice(Round(Last(BarEnd)),false,sc,mk);  
    s:=s+'   High '+FormatPrice(Round(High(BarEnd)),false,sc,mk);  
    s:=s+'   Low '+FormatPrice(Round(Low(BarEnd)),false,sc,mk);  
    s:=s+'   Open '+FormatPrice(Round(Open(BarEnd)),false,sc,mk);  
    s:=s+'   Volume '+inttostr(Volume(BarEnd)); 