
eClose is not a variable in the sense that it holds a close price for any stock.  eClose is a constant to identify in some functions which piece of information you are accessing.   All items in our ESPL language that are constants begin with the letter 'e'.   A typical function that uses eClose is the GetData function, whose documentation is reproduced here.

function GetData(field: integer [, flag: boolean]): variant;

Description:  Returns for the last retrieved data base record a value for the named field.

Parameters:  Field is one of the following predefined constants:

 eAsk             eAskSize      eBeta           eBid
 eBidSize         eClose        eDividend       eDown
 eEarnings        eEPS          eEstEPS         eExchange
 eExpiration      eHigh         eInterest       eIssuer
 eLast            eLow          eMarket         eMarketID
 eMarketName      eName         eNet            eOpen
 eScaleFactor     ePERatio      eSettled        eStrike
 eSymbol          eTickTime     eTickVolume     eTotal
 eUnchanged       eUp           eVolume         eYearlyHigh
 eYearlyHighDate  eYearlyLow    eYearlyLowDate  eYesterday

For Open, Last, High, Low, Net, Bid and Ask the default is to return a display value, such as 10516 for bonds.  By including a flag of True after the constant field, a calculation value will be returned, such as 105.50 instead of 10516 for bonds.  The flag default is False.

If flag is True, eTickTime is calculated in number of seconds since midnight.  If flag is false, eTickTime returns a tick time string showing hours, minutes and seconds.

If flag is True, eExpiration, eYearlyHighDate and eYearlyLowDate return the number of days since January 1st, 1970.   If flag is false, they return a date string in the format of ‘mm-dd-yy’.

eMarketName and eSymbol return strings.
eMarketID returns a character for use in creating custom quote page files.


var price: real;
  if Find(eFuture,'US0Z') then begin

In this example, we use Find to locate and decode the database record for the US0Z symbol.   The Close price is obtained from the record using the GetData function.  The eCLose constant identifies the field to return.  Just to be clear, eClose is a constant not a variable.   eClose happens to have a constant value of 103 which can be discovered with writeln(eClose);.   But that piece of information is useless to you.   GetData(103,True)  is the same as  GetDate(eClose,True)   but the latter is more readily readable than the first.

GetData can be used to obtain today's high, low, volume information by changing the field constant parameter.   GetData can obtain yesterday's close value by using the eYesterday constant:   price:=GetData(eYesterday,True);.     However, the high, low and volume for yesterday are not stored in the database record that is accessed by the GetData function, so another approach must be taken.

To get data for any prior chart bar, such as yesterday's, or several days ago, you would use the Chart function to load the chart, and then reference any bar with an index.   The last bar on the chart has an index that is stored in the global variable called BarEnd.   So yesterday's bar will have an index of  BarEnd-1;.  Each of the bar values is in an array with the name of the value, such as Last, High, Low, and Volume.


  writeln('Last = ',Last(BarEnd-1));
  writeln('High = ',High(BarEnd-1));
  writeln('Low = ',Low(BarEnd-1));
  writeln('Volume = ',Volume(BarEnd-1));